High Quality Bespoke Remarkable 

Property Conversion

Barn Conversion
and other Large Scale Property Conversions

We have to admit, Conversion Projects are a bit of a favourite of ours! We have completed Church Conversions, Barn Conversions, Offices, and even a ‘Ragged Boys School’.

Each project presents its own challenges and those challenges get more interesting once the building in question has ‘Listed’ status but with consideration, planning and a good team, the end result is always special.

Here is where a mention goes to our trusted Consultant Engineer, Bob Atkinson – as with New Build Projects, getting the right Architect and Builder is vital to the overall project but in our experience, having an Engineer of Bob’s experience makes the difficult easy and the impossible possible, while his mantra of “just because we can do something, doesn’t always mean we should” has helped greatly in designing projects to fit available budgets.

If you have a Barn Conversion, Church Conversion, or any other conversion project we would love to hear from you, no matter how early in the process you are, we’re more than happy to give an opinion, a quote or carry out a basic viability study with you, who knows – that old pumping station you love could be your new home!

If you are considering a Barn Conversion

or request a callback